A start of a new year is traditionally accompanied by new resolutions. Resolutions that can also concern you career plans. These goals give direction to your career path and can break the daily grind. However, it is a challenge to realize those intentions. On January 17th it is "Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions Day", the day people abandon their resolutions for that year. So here are some tips to still achieve the set career goals by means of a SMART checklist.
Setting career goals
Setting career goals starts with identifying those goals. What do you want to achieve in the coming year? If you have a specific goal in mind, you should have a SMART plan in order to ensure feasibility. This is can be done in 5 steps. Your goal should be:
1. Specific
When a goal is set, it is important to define it as specifically as possible. All too often, general objectives are set, such as "getting a promotion" or "finding a good job". An objective becomes specific when the direction becomes clear, such as "taking on a role as team lead of a group of about 10 people".
2. Measurable
After framing the objective, you need to work out a way to effectively achieve it. For this purpose, certain systems, methods or procedures can offer a solution to determine when the set objective has been reached. One of the options could be intermediate evaluations.
3. Acceptable
In this third step we look at the number of resources available to achieve the predetermined objective. How much time, money and other resources can be made available to support the realization? For example, if a team lead wants to grow within the company, an objective relates to a team. Each member should then be prepared to make the necessary efforts.
4. Realistic
When setting goals, feasibility depends on how realistically they are drawn up. It is important to find a good balance here. The objective must offer sufficient challenge, but should still be feasible.
5. Time-bound
A deadline provides a guideline for achieving the objectives. Intermediate deadlines can also generate more feedback moments and self-reflection. In addition, a deadline will lead to more productivity, which means that the goals will be achieved more quickly.
Amandis team support
By using these tips your career knows a controlled and strong growth. With the Amandis team we are happy to assist you in your search for a suitable job that meets your objectives. So take a look at our website or contact our staff and together we can realize your career goals for 2019.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!