Testimonial Sandra Van Eynde - Dioss Smart Solutions

The Inspiring Onboarding of Sandra at Dioss Smart Solutions

Our client, Dioss Smart Solutions, is a Belgian company renowned for its innovative solutions and services. They are a software integrator specializing in web, desktop, and mobile development, and are renowned within their field of expertise in identity management products and digital trust services.

Dioss Smart Solutions is also proud of their digital e-Signing platform, Quill, a user-friendly solution for sending, approving, and signing documents online. This platform supports, among other things, the use of Belgian eID cards and itsme®.

Recently, they also launched the Mobio-kit, a mobile station for applying for and activating electronic identity cards, allowing people to no longer need to travel to the town hall to replace or apply for an eID card. This launch marks a new milestone in the mission of Dioss Smart Solutions, where the necessary knowledge, products, and services are made available for securely and efficiently integrating a digital identity into various services.

Dioss Sandra

Dioss Smart Solutions aims to further market these solutions with the help of a business development manager and turned to Amandis to find the right person for the job. This led us to connect with the very passionate and experienced Sandra Van Eynde. She has been working at Dioss Smart Solutions since early April and has already smoothly integrated into the sales team. She can also rely on her many years of experience in digitization and reaching the right target audiences.

Sandra enjoys the freedom at Dioss Smart Solutions to bring new ideas and proactively provide her input. Besides developing partnerships and new markets, Sandra is also actively looking for additional approaches, such as increasing presence on social media. The company culture at Dioss Smart Solutions is people-oriented, transparent, and collaborative, exactly the values that are important for her to thrive. The sales team itself holds weekly meetings without using commissions, resulting in a value-driven work environment where everything is openly discussable.

Sandra herself is very enthusiastic about both her new role and the journey leading up to it. She has also already expressed her satisfaction with the approach taken by Amandis and particularly her satisfaction with the support from our Recruitment Consultant Vincent Meert.

"I am delighted to share my experiences regarding the support I received from Vincent (Amandis) during my application process at Dioss Smart Solutions. Thanks to his excellent HR work, I am now the proud Business Development Manager at this innovative company. From the very first conversation, I felt supported by Vincent. His professional and personal approach made me feel at ease and allowed me to show my true potential. He not only understood my skills and experience but also my ambitions and how they align with the goals of Dioss Smart Solutions. The process was thorough and efficient.”

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